These products will help you dramatically improve as a
driver or coach:

Video VBOX Lite 2-Camera System (more
The video and
data overlay combined with "Circuit Tools", the
amazing and easy-to-use data analysis software, really tells the
full story. It's a snap to compare two different drivers,
in completely different cars, or the same driver, to previous
laps or sessions. Is the driver being smooth? Using
the tires? In fast, out slow? Throwing it into the
corner, or turning in too early? Getting to the throttle
soon enough? Do you need timing on an open road course
with a different start/finish line, as opposed to a closed-loop
course? This tool will knock seconds off lap times for an
average driver, and help find tenths for a pro. View the
videos and determine for yourself how much better the VBOX is
compared to ChaseCam,

intercom system (more info):
Up to a 5-mile
range on wireless systems. Affordable in-car intercom
setup. The ChatterBox!
line of wired and wireless intercom systems are a tremendous
benefit to both driver and instructor/coach. Most
obviously, an intercom reduces fatigue and dramatically improves
communications. Have you ever misunderstood your student,
or the your instructor? Has the misunderstanding resulted
in a challenging situation? Here's the tool you need to
all but eliminate communication issues in a loud environment.
rely on the Video VBOX Lite 2-Camera system and
ChatterBox CB-50 for high performance driver training and I recommend the equipment without reservation. The Video
VBOX is simply brilliant. The free Circuit Tools analysis
software provide insights that help drivers discover the subtle
nuances that improve lap times and develop smoothness and finesse. The
ChatterBox is an invaluable and very affordable tool for
coach-to-driver communications. Using the ChatterBox
improves the timing, the clarity, and the accuracy of communications, which is so
critical to learning. Both the coach and driver experience
less fatigue, can talk at normal volumes, and still have a voice
at the end of the day."
Scott Madans, P1Coaching (eMail)